Monday, December 31, 2012


This is the first year the kids have been out in the snow. The kids--especially the girls--love to play outside. They don't last that long because they get cold, but they love to go out. Getting them dressed to go outside takes about as long as they spend outside, but as long as they have fun, is all that matters!

The first thing they wanted to do was make snow angels. I just watch in amazement while they lay down in the snow...wouldn't catch me in doing that in a million years, even if I had snow pants and hats on! They also went down the slide, played in their playhouse and threw a few snowballs (Jack was throwing at me!). I got the sled out and pulled them and they loved that. Finally, we attempted to make a snowman. He was a small one because the snow wasn't the best and they kids started to get cold.

This hawk lives in the trees behind our neighbor's house. We see it from time to time and have even seen it eating a mouse! Jack spotted it today and called it an owl!
Since it was New Year's Eve, we let the kids stay up (or attempt to) to see the ball drop. Kate and Elizabeth made it to 10 PM, Anna fell asleep at 10:30 and Jack made it to 11:00. I tried to wake up Jack at 11:55, but he would not open his eyes! We had some friends over earlier in the evening for chili and snacks and had a great time with them. Jack loved playing with his buddy, Sean, but he was upset the next morning when he woke up that he did not see the ball drop. We had taped it, so we let him watch it. I am not sure he was that impressed! Maybe next year the kids will make it to midnight.


I set a goal at the beginning of 2012 to run 30 miles a week (1560 miles in one year). So, I did. I realized along the way how much of a time commitment this actually was, but I finished out this year according to my Garmin below:

Count:268 Activities
Distance:1,578.39 mi
Time:263:53:17 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:7,140 ft
Avg Speed:6.0 mph
Avg HR:--
Avg Run Cadence:--
Avg Bike Cadence:--
Calories:156,445 C

I also finished a marathon around 4 hours and 20 minutes and two half marathons (1:52 and 1:55). I am not one to write about this usually, but I wanted to write this down since I am pretty sure I will not set this goal again. I am already feeling these miles in my feet/Achilles as I age. This distance that I ran in one year is like running from Winston-Salem, NC to Lakewood, CO and would take one day and two hours to drive.

Next year I am planning on saving my legs/feet and cutting down on the running (20-25 miles a week) and using our elliptical more. I still want to run one, maybe, two half marathons and am still thinking about another marathon. I guess I need to find a marathon partner, any takers?

I would also like to get Jack into a few races and hopefully run more with him. The girls would love to go running with me, but I think we have a few years before that can happen.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Santa came to Ohio!

When we got back from our trip, the kids were excited to see that Santa had dropped off some gifts while we were gone. Jack got a Jack and the Neverland Pirate ship and the girls got a new dollhouse!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Birthday Parties

There was a birthday party for Maggie and Alexa this evening. We also sang to all the December birthdays and January ones, which turned out to be quite a few. Jack was included in the singing, along with Braden, Abby, Grandfather, Patty and Marie Poinsatte, Emily and Grandmom!

Anna loves Great Grandfather and his drilling for oil.
Elizabeth gave Great Grandmother a big hug.
The little girls were playing the Polar Express! They would even get up and sing "Hot Chocolate" and pretend their cups were hot chocolate!
Kate and Great Grandmother
The two Elizabeths going to play.
The little girls played in the man room.

Singing to Grandfather--he turned 91 on December 1st.
Singing to Jack.