Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas with Grandmom and Granddad

Today, we spent the day with Grandmom and Granddad and the Szczepanskis, Druelles and Wakefields. We started off the day by getting our family picture taken as part of our gift to Grandmom and Granddad. Considering how many young children there are, they turned out quite nicely. Then, we had some lunch and opened gifts. After the annual tradition of the scavenger hunts, we spent the evening cleaning and relaxing while the kids played---and played.

The girls were sharing their snacks with Elizabeth.
Thomas and Kevin got DSi(s).
Jack bought gifts at his Santa's Workshop at school this year for Grandmom and Granddad (and Mimi, Aunt Mary and Uncle John--plus John and I and his sisters!)
The ornament says Grandpa on it.
Jack was excited to give his gift to Grandmom!
He picked out a Santa hat for her!
Elizabeth is helping Grandmom open a gift from us.
Grandmom's scavenger hunt included the help of the grandkids this year. They had to record a message on Christmas tree ornaments to start the game.
Grandmom and Granddad's tree

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