Monday, December 31, 2012


I set a goal at the beginning of 2012 to run 30 miles a week (1560 miles in one year). So, I did. I realized along the way how much of a time commitment this actually was, but I finished out this year according to my Garmin below:

Count:268 Activities
Distance:1,578.39 mi
Time:263:53:17 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:7,140 ft
Avg Speed:6.0 mph
Avg HR:--
Avg Run Cadence:--
Avg Bike Cadence:--
Calories:156,445 C

I also finished a marathon around 4 hours and 20 minutes and two half marathons (1:52 and 1:55). I am not one to write about this usually, but I wanted to write this down since I am pretty sure I will not set this goal again. I am already feeling these miles in my feet/Achilles as I age. This distance that I ran in one year is like running from Winston-Salem, NC to Lakewood, CO and would take one day and two hours to drive.

Next year I am planning on saving my legs/feet and cutting down on the running (20-25 miles a week) and using our elliptical more. I still want to run one, maybe, two half marathons and am still thinking about another marathon. I guess I need to find a marathon partner, any takers?

I would also like to get Jack into a few races and hopefully run more with him. The girls would love to go running with me, but I think we have a few years before that can happen.

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