Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas with Peepaw and Geemaw

Today was the last of the Christmas celebrations, and we saw Peepaw and Geemaw and opened gifts. It is nice to visit with Peepaw and Geemaw since we don't see them that often. Plus the older girls are so wonderful with the little ones that I have a nice "break" from them. Love my nieces and nephews!
Playing Polar Express with Grandmom.
Grandmom was dancing to the "Hot Chocolate" song.
Birthday gifts from Peepaw and Geemaw
They found stickers somewhere!
The girls ended up putting on all their clothes at once that they got from Peepaw and Geemaw: Their dresses, jeans and vests.
Getting pedicures. You should hear the girls say "pedicures." It is priceless. Jack asked me the other day what a pedicure was!
Jack loved his new Nike outfit from Peepaw and Geemaw. I think he has worn the jacket almost every day since he got it.
Silly Uncle Tim!
Scudder cousins

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