Friday, December 14, 2012

Polar Express Day

Jack had Polar Express Day at school. They read the book, watched the movie, got a ticket, had hot chocolate and wore their pjs to school. He wanted to wear his Santa pJj even though I picked out a nice warm flannel, red pair for him. I love these pjs he picked out, but I am realizing he is getting older and the time of wearing jammies like these is limited. However, I was happy to see him choose to wear them. He is still young, but watching him walk to the bus with his red and green stripped legs, I was a little sad thinking about how much he has grown up.

It was a sad day in Connecticut, as we watched the horrific events unfold today. The elementary school shooting and all those innocent children dead--most of them Jack's age. We are holding on to our children more closely today and always--and praying for God to heal those victim's families.

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