Wednesday, December 5, 2012

St. Nick

In preparation for St. Nick tonight, the kids put their shoes out (Jack put two shoes out) and Jack wrote a note for Randall to bring to Santa telling him where we would be on Christmas to bring their presents. Christmas is fun this year. The girls all know Santa brings presents and have all enjoyed watching Polar Express. They get very excited to see Santa at the end of the movie and they begin to jump, squeal and dance! Kate is sticking with wanting barbie "pants" that she became attached to over Thanksgiving at Mimi's house. Some of the Frazier's old barbies have become the girls' favorite toys to play with at Mimi's house. There was a little source of tension between the girls about one particular barbie wearing black pants. John finally had to put the barbie in time-out for a while. Since we have been home, she is sticking with black barbie pants from Santa. Anna and Elizabeth both wants barbies and "pants" too. Jack is all over the place with suggestions when we ask what he wants for Christmas.

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