Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ms. Kelly

We love Ms. Kelly. She lives right across the street and she loves our kids. She came over yesterday to baby-sit while I got my hair cut and she had stockings for each of the kids. They loved their new ornaments, Minnie socks, movies, bubble bath, stuffed animal, and Minnie calendar. Jack loved his new cars, balls, giant batman pen and Mickey socks. They made their ornaments with Ms. Kelly yesterday. There were tattoos in the stocking and the girls had fun putting them on each hand and on their bellies! They had fun. When I got back, she had given the girls a bath with their new bubble bath and straightened their hair. Leave it to her to take a hot iron to their hair. They looked so different and old! I guess this is what it is like to have an older sister!

Showing us their tattoos on their hands

Anna's hair looked the most different!

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