Saturday, December 15, 2012

Breakfast With Santa

Our children were so excited to see Santa this year! They talked about it all week and when we actually saw him sitting there, they were running, jumping, squealing and smiling. All four of them. Quite a change from last year!

Love this photo of Jack!

Mimi, Grandmom and Granddad (MIA) all had a good time too, I think.

These two gave Santa kisses.

After seeing Santa, the kids got to do a craft.

Jack was done with his and out of the room before I could get a picture. Later that afternoon, Jack had his last football game. Mimi, Grandmom and Granddad all enjoyed watching him play. His team lost their last game, but the boys all had fun. Jack loved his new trophy. It seems like trophies are given out more frequently today than when I was a kid.

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