Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jack Turns Six

How did that happen? He is growing up so fast. Today was a busy and fun day. Jack woke up early and opened his gifts. He loved all his Jake and the Neverland Pirates toys and PJs. We took the kids to lunch--Jack's pick--and he choose Moe's so that is where we went. The kids were dressed in their PJs because we took them to see the movie The Polar Express directly after lunch. It was showing at the Omnimax at the Science Museum. Jack wore his new PJs. There was a reception before the movie with hot chocolate and juice and cookies. They loved the whipped cream, marshmallows and sprinkles. After walking around the museum for about a half hour, we took our seats in the theatre. This was the first movie the girls have ever been too. I think they enjoyed it. They did their usual dancing to the songs which was cute. After the movie, we came back home for just a bit and went to church. We did Jack's cake after mass.

Jack let his sisters open a few of his gifts.

Hot chocolate

Playing at the Science Museum before the movie began.

Jack's pitching

Watch out! He can pitch 25mph!

Waiting for the movie to begin!

Before mass, I put out the gifts for tomorrow. The girls loved to look for their names!

Singing to Jack!

Can't believe you are six, buddy! We make us smile every day. We love you, Jack.

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