Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Christmas in July?

Those of you that know Jack real well, know he has a little obsession about phone and phone numbers, keys, locks, garage doors, automatic van doors...among other things. Well, we had to change our garage entry code because he figured it out our code and was telling everyone it--I mean people we met while out walking! This time, we coded it and have been really careful about covering the numbers when we use it. When we changed the code, Jack was pretty upset that we kept the new number from him. Since that day, he has asked me a few (hundred) times what it is. Yesterday he asked me how Santa would get in to our house since we changed the code. We had to tell him that we will tell Santa near Christmas about our new code, but that he would probably enter our house through the chimney. He'll think of anything to try to get that code from me!

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