Friday, July 8, 2011

Zoo Trip

I made a solo trip to the zoo today. I have done this trip two other times, without Jack. I was there for about 1.5 hours this morning before it got too hot and fed the kids lunch there. That makes it easy to bring them home and put the girls right down for a nap! The girls still think everything is a "doggie!" They especially loved the goats, I think because they were close enough to see and the goats were walking around. I still feel like when I take my kids to the zoo, we should set up camp behind a fence and be an attraction for people to look at and comment about (Triplets! You have your hands full! Three at once! etc.). Maybe it could be a part-time job...and the earnings could go towards the kids college funds...
Jack in the mist

Jack getting ready to feed the giraffes. (I apologize to the lady next to Jack for putting her rear end on the blog)

Feeding the giraffe

The girls finishing up their lunch

Looking at the giraffe (a.k.a. doggie!)

Jack getting out duck food

Feeding the ducks

Jack was nervous at first with the goats.

Brushing the goats--he warmed up to them :)

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