Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July Celebrations-Chiazza's and Fireworks

After leaving the pool, the girls took a nap before we headed to Chiazza's for dinner, wiffle ball and fireworks. The dinner was delicious--as always complete with homemade ice cream, apple pie and cake! After we all ate, the adults men played a wiffle ball game against the cousins...and they were very true to the rules of the game! After the game, the kids lit a few fireworks and did some sparklers. Elizabeth probably liked the fireworks the best, and none of the kids were nervous about the loud noises. The girls and I headed home after that while the rest of the gang walked to the course to see the fireworks. Once I got home, I put the girls in bed (Elizabeth was the only one to fall asleep in the car) and organized a few things before going to bed myself. I climbed into bed around 11 PM and heard Kate in the next room jumping in her crib (this is a new favorite thing for the girls--once I put them in bed they have a party every night complete with laughing, squealing, talking and jumping). John and I thought, where does she get her energy?! Tried as we were, we had a great day and our kids did too!

Love this picture of Jack--can you tell he cut his bangs a few days ago?

My homemade apple pies--what fourth of July celebration is complete without the all-American apple pie?

Big girls eating at the picnic table

Amy and Elizabeth finishing up dinner

Michael, PeePaw, John and Papa

Jake and Anna

Mimi, Papa and Kate

Papa and Kate

Aunt Sarah was teaching Anna to write

PeePaw and Elizabeth

PeePaw and Kate

Love Aunt Sue Sue and Jack in this picture. Jack slammed his thumb in the door so Aunt Sue Sue nursed his little thumb back to health--I think one pack of ice breakers healed the thumb quite nicely ;)

PeePaw teaching Elizabeth how to play Corn Hole

Elizabeth and Kate

Amy keeping an eye on the girls

Amy and Anna--love this picture
Elizabeth and Kate

Margaret and Kate--notice her band-aids on both knees. It was a rough day at the pool!

Jack--he is getting so big
Jack and Nicky practice before the wiffle ball game
Uncle John mowed a baseball diamond in the yard for the wiffle ball game

Aunt Mary pulled the girls around the yard during the game

Jack helped too.

John is helping Jack hold some sort of firework. Since when did I become such a worry-wart about fireworks? Even the sparklers made me nervous!

First time with a sparkler

He was a little nervous too.

This is one of my favorites of Jack

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