Well, sort of. This week I had my niece, Erin come to stay with me and it has be WONDERFUL! She, is such a big help with the girls and me. I started thinking that if Jack was a little older when we had the triplets, it would have been slightly easier. Erin is almost 13. She loves the girls and will do anything to help--I think she even changed her first poo-dog this week! Jack went to Michigan with my mom on Monday and was going to come back on Tuesday, but instead, he went to Grand Rapids to visit Julie. At 4.5, he is a little unsure of being away from me, but does great with my mom or his Mimi. At Julie's, he loves his cousins, Braden and Abby, and plays all day. On Wednesday night, I thought I might have to meet Julie half-way because he was starting to say he wanted me and wanted to go home, but he fell asleep early and was fine. We are anxious to see him tomorrow! The house has been quiet without him--retract that--the house has been quieter without him!
Erin and I did a lot of errands with the girls, took them to the zoo, went to St. Anne's Nursing home to visit the residents there, took a meal over to my friend that just lost her husband to cancer a few weeks ago and we also all made it to Sarah and Claire's last softball game and got to see Sarah pitch! Sarah has been here to help out too and tonight the two girls made a few bows for themselves and their sisters (so nice to think about them). It was a great week with her here!
Looking at the tortoise
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