Friday, July 15, 2011

Dwenger Basket-ball Camp

Jack participated in the Dwenger Basket-ball camp this week with the Frazier girls. On Monday, I showed him a few pictures of people he knew in the Dwenger Hall of Fame, including, Daddy, Mark, Uncle Mike, Mama, Marie ("Bella's mom"), and Aunt Ryann. We couldn't find Aunt Sue Sue or Aunt Cindy--they must be down the hall. It was strange to be back in that high school--it has been 15 years since John and I graduated from there! Technically, Jack was supposed to be entering Kindergarten to join the camp, but Uncle Dave allowed Jack to go with his older cousins. He went Monday through Friday from 9am to 10:15. He did great and loved it! He was in the same group as Amy and he came home everyday sweaty and tired! It was a hot week for an un-airconditioned gym!

Amy and Jack before camp on Friday

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