Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trip to Houston: Sunday, July 31

On Sunday, we woke up early---since we went to bed so early--- and headed out of town. We decided not to go to mass in Memphis and instead get on the road and go Sunday evening in Houston. On the way out of the hotel, John and I each had a bag or two and also the hand of one of the girls. Jack was such a good boy holding Kate's hand. We understand he is four, but we needed his help and he was good helper. One the way out of the hotel, Anna fell and cut her lip! We decided the logistics of unloading and loading in hotels was very hard to do without an extra adult and we thought about driving straight through on our way home. Our girls are just too young. The trip to Texas that day was hot! The kids rode fairly well in the car, especially the girls who are still rear-facing in their car seats. We made it to Texas and Sarah and John were nice enough to watch the girls while John, Jack and I went to church.

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