Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Glimpse

My sister-in-law, Ryann is so talented in photography. She took our pictures last fall and I have been wanting her to take some more of us and today she did. My mom took some pictures of the process on my camera, so I thought I would share a few. Ryann's are much better :) The goals for the day: One nice family picture with everyone looking at the camera (I don't care if there are smiles) and one nice picture of each kid--again looking at the camera. My kids have never wanted to sit still for a photo, so getting a picture with all of us looking is quite difficult, so I don't expect smiles :) I have not seen all of Ryann's photos yet, but I think we did pretty well.

We gave the girls flowers to hold to keep them busy and sitting. Anna tried to eat hers!
Anna kept kicking Jack in the head :)

I think Ryann got a really cute one like this--but with smiling Jack

Elizabeth giving Maria a hug

Uncle Neil and Kate

Grandmom carrying Elizabeth and the car up the driveway

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