Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunny Saturday

B.U.S.Y.! Today was a busy day! The Scudders were here visiting for the weekend. Jack had a tee ball game in the morning and the girls stayed behind with them so John and I could go and watch Jack play. Nicky came and sat in the dugout during the game. He is two years older than Jack and plays baseball so I think he was excited to see the game, except, he thought they would have played as well as he does :)

When we came back from the game, the girls were outside and swimming again. Elizabeth was loving it, Kate and Anna were not! But, all of them were loving the attention and freedom outside. After lunch, the Frazier kids joined us and the kiddos played in the afternoon and we made a taco dinner. Once the girls were in in bed, the rest of us went over to the Frazier's neighbors who invited us over to swim. They had a garage sale today and when we walked up, the mom, Michelle, told us to take whatever we wanted because she was donating it all. I got a few coats for myself and for Jack! The kids picked out some clothes too. After swimming, we made it back home where everyone was so tired from the day!


Nicky and Jack swam some
Kate eating an ice cube to cool off


Elizabeth and Erin

Aunt Sarah and Kate--Kate loves her aunt Sarah



After a long day, Jack and Nicky were whipped! We didn't realize they fell asleep on the couch. Both of them are sleeping with their picks from the garage sale--a pillow for Jack and dog for Nicky.

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