Saturday, June 18, 2011

Vacation: Saturday, June 18th: Swim and Home

We let the kids swim today before check-out. After baths and showers for everyone, lunch and packing the car, we left for the long drive back home. The kids were exhausted, but they never seem to sleep in the car! Jack finally fell asleep after about two hours. The girls finally did too.

Elizabeth. I included a few pictures to show the fast-motion of the girls. Everything was a run!

Elizabeth is by far my child that loves the water the most.

Grandmom, Jack and Abby

Granddad and Anna in the hot tub. Anna wasn't too sure about the hot tub.

Abby, Elizabeth, Kate, Grandmom and Granddad


Granddad and Kate

Grandmom teaching Elizabeth how to swim


Aunt Sarah and Marie--love this picture of the two of them
Elizabeth and Grandmom

Granddad pointing to the bucket



More running by Elizabeth

Kate's run

Kate checking out Alexa

Alexa is the happiest baby!

Every five minutes this bucket dumped over 1,000 gallons of water. The girls loved to watch it! Jack accidentally was under it once and it dropped him to his knees. Anna was afraid of the water. She would watch with a look of terror and when the bucket dropped, she would put both hands on her face. Here she is pointing to the bucket getting ready to dump.
Kate watching the water. Anna, at this point, is running from it.

Kate watching the water, still. Anna is grasping my legs :)

TIRED boy on the way home.

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