Thursday, June 9, 2011

Swim Lessons

Jack has been taking swim lessons at the YMCA for the past 15 weeks. Usually my dad takes him, but today, I took him to see how he is doing. I was surprised at how well he does. The lady next to me told me that Jack is such a great swimmer, she wondered why he didn't move up to the next level. Her son has been taking lessons with Jack too for the last two sessions. It was nice to hear that at least he is making progress.

He is in the most basic class--preschool level 1

Getting his ears wet

Back float

This was called the car wash. Jack was a yellow car (his choice) and all the kids kicked the water up as her swam by.

He could kick and swim with the float

He threw the duck (the yellow blur) and then had to jump in and swim to it. After this throw, he fell down--whoops ;)

He told Ms. Cassie to stand back before he jumped in

Retrieving the duck

I know he is my child and he is probably the oldest kid in the class, but I think he was the best swimmer there today ;)

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