Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vacation: Wednesday, June 15th: Mackinac Island

This morning we left bright and early (5:25 AM) and drove to Mackinaw City to catch the ferry to Mackinac Island. We had to wake up the girls (Elizabeth was not a fan of being awakened that early), but Jack was up and ready to go! Once we made it to the island, we ate lunch (all 23 of us--quite a sight!) and then we walked to the Grand Hotel and checked into our rooms. The rooms were all decorated different and they looked like something from the 1950s!

Girls ready for their first ferry ride

Jack is checking out the boat

On the ferry before we started to move...Kate was crying. I had to let her out first.

View of Mackinac Island

The older kids sat on the top deck of the boat. It was windy and COLD!

Below with the girls

Lunch. It was very loud!

View of the Grand Hotel.  My dad is pushing the girls in the stroller and some of the cousins are walking next to him.

Grand Hotel

Part of the grounds of the Grand Hotel. You can't walk into the hotel or on the grounds unless you are a registered guest of the hotel. Or, you can purchase a day pass to walk around.

The sign said
Required on the hotel and the hotel owned street
After 6 PM must be attired in a coat and tie
May not be attired in slacks

Going in the hotel

Hotel Lobby

Elizabeth in the room

Anna on the phone (our room was floral!)

Anna hanging up the phone


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