Wednesday, June 29, 2011

VBS Times Two

Jack went to VBS at St. Charles last week and Our Lady of Good Hope this week. I had signed him up for St. Charles before I heard about the one at Our Lady, and I heard really good things about that one, so he went to both. He did  alot of coloring, crafts and singing! This week at Our Lady, the kids went to mass first thing every day which I think is great!

Picking up Jack at St. Charles last week. We went to a little reception with juice and cookies on his last day.

Today was the last day for the kids at Our Lady

Jack is the one with his hands up. The kids sang the songs to us that they learned.

On a side note, I stayed for mass yesterday and made it...alone...with the girls, and we weren't even in the cry room! They stayed in their stroller the entire time, no fussing, crying, talking, fighting, etc. Well, I came home after mass feeling pretty good about my accomplishment, only to realize that I had left Carter outside the entire time I was gone. Thankfully, the neighbors saw him roaming the neighborhood and took care of him. Whoops! It always seems just when I'm feeling good about doing something with the girls, I do something like that. Oh well, I think I am going to celebrate the successes as they come.

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