Monday, June 13, 2011

Granddad's Party ~ 60 years

We celebrated my dad's 60th birthday party complete with the entire family present and my grandparents. The day was crystal clear with a perfect crisp cool breeze and sunshine. Since the Wakefields were here visiting, we attempted to get the children together for a picture--like we always do. Maybe someday we will learn that the ages of the kids are not conducive to this. But, I'm sure we'll continue to try. Ryann got the majority of the pictures, but I thought I would add my few takes here for fun. Hopefully once the good ones are edited, I'll post them. After the big cookout, Jack had his three cousins spend the night at our house. It worked out OK. The kids took a bath (Four kids--all ages four and five-- and one jacuzzi tub=water everywhere and a clean bathroom floor!) and were laying down on the bedroom floor at 10pm. I think they were all finally asleep at 11 and were up at 5 am! We made them go back to bed, needless-to-say!

All 13--only two are crying at least. Grandmom and Granddad gave the girls the pink dresses for Christmas last year.

Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather Poinsatte and the Szczepanski great grandchildren

My mom and dad join in the picture

The boys--all four of them

Elizabeth discovered that running down the hill was a lot of fun :)

The girls--all nine of them

Grandmom and Granddad and all their grandchildren. Nice attempt, I guess. Good thing that our family is constantly growing so we have excuses to keep taking these pictures. In September, this photo will be outdated with the addition of Neil and Ryann's 5th child. Sarah also let us in on a little secret that will happen to her sometime in late January. That will put the total at 15!

Emily, Braden, Abby and Marie--I guess the kids never get too old for this!
Jeremy and John talking to Grandmother

Kiddos eating the chips

The girls eating with Maria

Grandmom's first cake she has ever made for my dad--after all these years, I guess all he had to do was turn 60!

Singing Happy Birthday to Dad/Granddad


Elizabeth ready for bed

Getting ready for bed. All the kids wanted to sleep on the floor :)


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