Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vacation: Wednesday, June 15: Dinner at the Grand

Before dinner, we stood on the parlor and had our pictures taken. We tried (again) for a full family picture and also of individual family pictures. After we took the pictures, the older kids went to a kid's program put on by the hotel--pizza and capture the flag while the rest of us--all the adults and kids under four went to dinner. While waiting for the food to come, the little girls all danced to the band. After dinner, the staff sang to my dad and also gave him a nice desert!

John and I

All of us and our kids, plus the grandparents

Grandparents and grandchildren

The Druelle Family

The Wakefield Family

The Szczepanski Family

Mom and Dad

Table one: Scudder end

Table one: Wakefield and Szczepanski end

Table two: Druelles and Grandmom and Granddad
After dinner the girls danced. I love Elizabeth and John in this picture.

Ambria, me, Marie and one of the triplets

Dancing with Kate and Elizabeth

The girls dancing with Marie

My girls

Singing to Dad

They brought my dad a birthday plate!

"Happy 60th Birthday John"

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