Thursday, June 2, 2011

Zoo Time

We enjoyed the beautiful weather today at the zoo. Angela is such a trooper to make it to the zoo at 35 weeks pregnant! She came with her two kids and two brothers who are such a great helpers! Her daughter, Anna, is so nice to Jack. Kate kept calling all the animals, "doggie".

Jack and the girls looking at the peacock.

Forgot their shoes...whoops!
We were able to watch the sea lion show--very good!

Jack and the sea lion

Anna and Jack looking at the alligator

Jack's favorite--a jeep. He sat in this for a while before we made him move on!

Anna and Jack fed the giraffe.

I missed the actual feeding but you can see his stance...he jumped back a little when the giraffe took the lettuce from his hand. If you look close, you can see the giraffe eating the lettuce.

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