Saturday, June 11, 2011

Picnic Lunch

While baby-sitting Marie today, I grabbed my camera for a quick picture while they were eating lunch. I felt like I was busy today and it went by so fast, but I wanted to capture a few moments. I got a few videos of the girls playing with Marie too. Actually, I went downstairs to video them and when I came in the play room, my girls were in one corner playing--not together, but near each other and Marie was across the room. At this age, kids play side-by-side, not with each other, but it was interesting to me that my girls were literally side-by-side. I guess my little ladies are used to being around each other :)

Marie was so fun to watch! I taught her to call me Aunt Laura, and she can say all the girls' names (even Elizabeth) and Jack and point to who is who! How fun is that, that she lives half-way across the country and we see her twice a year and before she is two, she knows us (OK, I realize she won't remember us at Christmas, but still). I also tried to teach her that her mom works on an oil rig and her aunt Laura takes care of the babies, but she didn't quite pick up on that. That is an inside joke because years ago when my oldest niece was about two, I taught her that and Sarah loved it ;) (I was working in the NICU at the time) What a great day! These are the moments to remember!


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